Tomorrow, I will turn 30.I cannot even tell you how happy I am about that. I can't remember the last time I was excited about a birthday. I just assumed that, for all of my adult life, birthdays would not matter anymore. It's just another day.But not this one. At this time in my life, I'm so happy to be leaving this last decade behind. I'll gather in my arms the few beautiful things my 20's brought me and carry them with me into the next decade, and I will leave behind the fear, the doubt, the insecurity, the living for other people, the shame, the feelings of failure.
I finally feel like I know who I am. I know what I really want. And I believe that more good things are on my horizon. I am happy. I am not content... I am still moving forward, evolving, changing and growing, as I still feel I'm not quite grown up, but I am happy. Happy about what I know about myself, happy about where this path is leading me, happy about my relationships, happy about all that I've learned to embrace... and that includes the fact that I've accepted I'm an anxious worrier on a mood swing rollercoaster - and that is ok. Self acceptance is powerful. I'm learning to deal with myself, to ask for what I need, to apologize when I'm off balance and it's affecting someone else. Speaking of apologies, I've learned to NOT apologize for how I feel, rather apologize for how I act or react toward others when I have those feelings. That was a big revelation for me and very freeing.
I've received unexpected birthday cards and gifts in the mail. Evan's parents have spoiled me. They sent an iPod home that makes nature sounds to (that nature sounds thing was actually important to me), and they sent me a book AND an adorable day dress from ModCloth that I had been drooling over. I feel spoiled. And instead of going out on the town for my birthday, I've decided Evan and I will take the girls to my grandparents' for pumpkin carving, marshmallow roasting and camping. My sister and her family will come out tomorrow as well. AND- we may have brunch with my Dad and Diann on Sunday. I can't think of a better way to spend my birthday than with the people who bring me the most joy- Evan, Anna and Amy. I feel very lucky, very blessed. Happy 30th to me.
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