Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blogging? I'm stuck

In all honesty, I have a blog just because having a screen name and login makes it so much easier to follow and comment on all of the blogs I enjoy reading. I've always been a writer and, for many years, even a journaler. I devotedly wrote in a Livejournal (remember that, y'all?) for years and years almost daily. And then when life fell apart for a while, I lost the urge to write, and except for bouts of angry, angsty prose-ish ugly poetry in the depths of my despair, I've had very little to say since. In actuality, I do have a lot to say. I have conversations with myself all day long, carefully crafted conversations where I can practice saying just the right thing over and over, as if once I get it right I can go write it down, but I still feel painfully unable to say what I think I need to or want to without looking back at it and being bored with myself and wondering why I wasted the time writing it all down. I don't know when the perfectionist crept in... the part of me who doesn't want to write anything if it isn't worthy of an audience. I never had an audience anyway, really. I also just don't want to put something out there that's not pretty to look at. I don't know the first thing about changing a blog layout to make it look nice (beyond the basic selection of this color or that) or posting pictures. If I'm going to document my life, I at least want to do it justice. I don't want to take something beautiful, a life that I love with daughters who are absolutely amazing and a husband/best friend whom I'm so, so lucky to have found, and turn it into something that falls so short of reality. And then there's what to do with it all. I have thousands of online journal entries that I will probably never actually pay to have printed... so no one will ever see them again. All of that effort, my words and emotions and realizations and notations of special moments, just disappearing into the black hole of cyberspace. Who wants that? So I guess I'm stuck with just this for now.