Monday, April 23, 2012

I keep telling myself that I really should use this blog thing... and then I don't. It's hard for me to believe that, after journaling almost daily in a Livejournal for about 5 years, I can't muster enough words for one post a week anymore. But anyway, I cannot tell you how excited I am to be pregnant with baby #3. So excited! And it's a boy. Two girls, and now a boy. It's going to be so different this time. I'm trying to savor every moment because I'm sure this one will be my last. Can I tell you a secret? I wish we could have 5 children. Why stop at 3 when you could have 5? Maybe the tables will turne sometime in the next few years and make that an actual possibility. We'll see. But for now, I'm happy. I'm happy with the two daughters I have, and I'm happy to be having a son, and I'm happy to be right where I am right now with my husband. I'm a lucky girl.