Saturday, April 16, 2011

Because I Like Stars as Bullet Points

*Yesterday, my 9-year-old was a grizzly bear. That's hazardous to the health of the rest of us who have to live with her, and if she doesn't wake up as her normal self today, she may have to be caged... and I may even let her little sister poke her with sticks. And I'm only half kidding.

*I made a blackberry cobbler at 5 a.m.- On a Saturday. I even made my crust from scratch this time, and I'm so proud of it. It looks like cobbler, it smells like cobbler, and when I took it out of the oven, I wanted to stick my face in it.

*Family reunion today! I'm so excited. I miss my best-friend-Grandma, and I can't think of a better way to spend the day. My ex-Mr. let me keep the kids this weekend (because it's Crawfish weekend, and he'll be drinkin' it up with my brother, I'm sure), and my new Mr. gets to go with us, and originally I thought I'd have to go to this reunion all by myself and present pictures for proof that I actually DO have a family. It's rare that we ALL get to go to something together on a weekend.

*I'm hopeful that the housecleaning fairy will arrive while I'm gone, that maybe the scent of cobbler will lure her in and then she won't be able to get out because the shifting of our foundation sometimes makes the front door stick, which is hard for the 6-year-old to open, and surely a fairy is smaller than a 6-year-old, so she'll have nothing else to do but clean up around here. A girl can dream, right?

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